Monday, September 22, 2008

Keep on Keeping on!

Well, for those of you who have been in a coma for 28 days; We have been dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ike and everybody is a zombie now....just kidding about the zombie part.

So everbody who can read (or hear) knows that on September 13 about 2 am, Hurricane Ike blew through our little neck of the woods. Galveston Tx is uninhabitable and many of the surrounding parts have been completely closed off. About half of Houston is STILL without power as I write this. The kids haven't been to school since Thursday, September 11. Still, most folks are trying to keep their spirits up.

We had, Praise God, no damage to our house. We had one tree break in half and it fell between our house and our neighbor's house without hitting either one. Whew!! In the meantime, we do have running water and gas. We can bathe, cook, wash dishes. The upside to no power is that we spend quality time together. The kids did something OTHER than watch tv. They made friends with our elderly neighbors; they read real, actual books; they made the most of the daylight hours and played outside as much as they could. Now they're at their dad's house. Lights and cable will drown out the silence they enjoyed for a few days. But hopefully not too soon.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Brand New Bag

So i just HAD to rectify the bag situation. This weekend, I altered Princess Buttercup's book bag. I shortened the straps, took in the bottom gusstes and bit. We'll see how it fits her now. But I didn't stop there. I went ahead and made another bag. I couldn't resist, seeing how cute the first one was (despite the misproportions) check it out...


and two more of the details...



not bad for being the second bag i make like this!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Birthday Boy and GIANT BAG

This Labor Day was my wonderful hubby's birthday. He's 35 again! yay! The Queen Mother and Sister Kewpie came over. The idea was to craft like mad-women all day; we actually worked on making him a big and hearty Birthday dinner comprised of a huge pile of meat. It went over quite well! it pleased and flattered him which of course, sent him straight into "shy & quiet" mode. Happy Birthday my Hunk of Burnin Love! and many thanks the Queen Mother and Sister Kewpie for they're graciousness!

So while my little princess was at her dad's I made her the cutest little bag. It's messenger style, very pretty prints on oil cloth. I put pretty little embellishments on it. I had it ready for when she came home. I knew she'd like it and when she saw it, she did. She squealed, ooohed and aaahhed over it. One problem: the bag is WAAY too big for our Princess Buttercup.


Just look at the size of that thing! WAH. So I deciced last night to work on it and maybe reduce the size just a tad, no? The trick here is that the bag is made from oilcloth (not true oilcloth, mind you or there would be no problem) so I'm basically punching a hole in plastic every time I sew it.

She's off to her dad's again this weekend, I'll fix it up then probably adding some interfacing (live and learn) to reinforce the stitches just a tad. Wish me luck!

The good thing is that her classmates we're ga-ga over the bag and one of them asked if I could make one for her too. Sure I can, kid....for $35 bucks! aaahahaha! Just-kidding-but-not-really since once I get the logistics down, I think these would be adorable bags to add to my etsy shop!