As a gift for our fourth anniversary, Daddy McD treated me to a weekend road trip in New Mexico!! We flew to Amarillo where we rented a car and drove off into the sunset (for the weekend). Being the salvage-and-anything-else-that's-junque philes that we are, our first stop was an adorable ghost town named Cuervo (this was of course, after grabbing a burger in Tucumcari where we'd stay that night).
Cuervo doesn't look like it was a boom-town or anything, but it does have several buildings right on the highway. We passed it up last time we came through so Daddy McD (ever so thoughful) brought me back to take a look. I really couldn't tell you what it is about these old abandoned towns, but they're just begging to be explored and remembered.
Life once abounded here. People once filled these buildings, walked about, made their daily lives, and now these building sit here with time creeping up all over them. It's bittersweet, really.
My lovin' man looks good sportin that hat, doesn't he? He's standing in front of what was a store. The thing about Cuervo, and it's weird, really, is that on the other side of the highway, there are a a couple of buildings(very few) that are occupied. The other thing is that for the low, low price of only $440,000 this little gem could be yours! There's a sign pointing folks to where those interested can enquire.
As I mentioned before, we headed to Tucumcari where we would spend the night. Little did we know that we would come upon it during a very special occasion. The state of New Mexico is currently celebrating it's 100th year of statehood and celebrations will continue into 2012.
We happened upon the Fired Up festival, official opening of the newly renovated train depot and the official kick-off of Union Pacific's historic steam engine's trip across the state. There were vendors selling their wares, there were also exhibits of craftsmen that worked with fire such as a glass blower and a blacksmith.
This dear lady was my dance partner! When I saw her hubby of 50 years refusing to giver her a whirl, I knew what I had to do; I grabbed her hand and we did our own fancy footwork! After all, Daddy McD is not a dancer either, so I knew if I wanted to dance that day, this was my one option...well, I could dance by myself but that just looks spastic, doesn't it?
We stayed at the adorable Safari Motel. It was a really charming room and I couldn't get over the decor and the oh so comfy bed! If you're a route 66-er, you'll know that some motels, while popular or newer, don't really have great rooms. This one was really nice!
Feeling refreshed, we headed out the next morning to check out some more points of us.
We visited Fort Sumner, home of the real final resting place of one William H. Bonney otherwise known as Billy the Kid. Apparently the headstone of Billy the Kid is a hot comodity as it had been stolen before. Grave site keepers finally had to go so far as to put a cage around the grave and shackle down the headstone!
We drove to Roswell which we readily admit we grossly underestimated. Judging by its depiction in pop culture, I expected to find a dusty little town with roadside curios like two-headed snakes in a jar and "real alien artifacts" for sale. Surprise! It's a busy, lively, modern city. Naturally, we visited the UFO Museum and Research Center which was very interesting. Naturally many businesses go along withthe UFO theme/reputation of Rosweel which makes for fun facades!
Later we drove to Lincoln, another Billy the Kid haunt and center of famous land wars in New Mexico. I love towns that share the stories of their history with visitors. This tiny town was the spot where Billy the Kid was once jailed. He escaped, killing the judge that would see him executed!
Leaving Lincoln we decied to call it a day and head back to Amarillo for our flight home the next day. We were escorted out of the state by a beautiful twilight sky of sapphire and gilded golden clouds. Isn't that beautiful?!
I'm so grateful to have a hubby that I share interests with and whose company I love so. It makes a road trip that much more special! And that's what life is anyway, a journey. Thank you, Daddy McD, for making my trip through life so special, happy and beautiful!!

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