I have SO MUCH to be thankful for! First and foremost, I'm thankful for the grace of God and the saving blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. He has given me the power to endure and to continue to grow. I'm grateful for my love, my friend, my hubby, Daddy McD. He's the nicest person I know. For me he is the embodiment of 1Corinthians13:4-8. I'm thankful for my kids. Being a mom has been the single most eye-opening, maturing experience in my life. I'm thankful for my family, my mom and sisters and for coming into a family that I really love, the McD's. I have wonderful friends that love me, who I could and HAVE count on when in a bind.
I'm healthy! I'm happy! I have a good home! I have a good job! I have a bad dog! There's food in my pantry, a warm bed in my home, my children are happy and good. I am a rich, rich woman! I haven't done anything to deserve the life I have, I just enjoy it knowing that compared to many poor souls, I am TRULY BLESSED.

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