So the fourth thing that happened was that wonderful and fabulous Mr. McD went out and bought me a 1977 Chevy Camaro. She's a fixer upper (which is part of the fun, isn't it?) and sooooo cool. See here my bitchin Camaro

Love starting it up, you should hear the roar!!
The fifth thing that happened: you should know that the kids aren't the only ones with the uncanny ability to cause themselves great harm...NOOOOO. Mr. McD spent a glorious week in the hospital for a rutpured appendix (a nasty case, according to his surgeon) because he waited a week before deciding that he was just in too much pain. He drove himself to the emergency room, waited for hours before he was admitted (of course). Was gutted like a fish, got a cool nasty scar up his belly, got SMACKED on that scar by my loving mother (hi mom!) and teased a little by me.....nice going, Mr. McD! Yeah, he's my tough macho hombre.

Here he is looking not unlike Jason Statham. Oh Yeah.

Here he is unwittingly doing his best founding father imitation. Fabulous!
That is it for now. Oh! I almost forgot, finished my first grocery bag made of upcycled materials!

1 comment:
I'M SORRY!!! I leaned in to kiss him gently....and my purse swung off my shoulder and hit him right on the incision!! He just groaned and said "don't do that anymore :(
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