It's not some random loan either! You can choose who you loan money to. A face and a story accompanies each loan request. It's not just money, it's an ooportunity and empowerment that you're lending. Once your loan is paid, you can get your money back OR you can turn it around and loan it again!
Lastly, you can join a team that loans together. Oh the teams; they're formed or they loan based on interests or values or region or favorite sports teams....for real! I'll introduce to a team every week in hopes that you'll get inspired to invest in someone's dream of a better life. You'll see that there are so many reasons to give.
This week it's Team Texas. They loan because: "Texas does it bigger!". The team has 741 members (including yours truly). It appears, from team stats, that Team Texas members are big on making farming or agricultural loans...go figure.
Check out Kiva's website. Once you lend, you're gonna want to do it again!

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