So for Day 1: Jesus. I know there's folks out there going "oh gah! another Jesus freak!" and that's ok. I used to think the same thing too, so I don't blame you. But there are a lot of deep thinking, deep feeling folk out there wondering and pondering some very important things. "What am ?I" "Why am I?" "what is the purpose of life, of my existence?" "What should I believe"

You are a creation, a precious and unique creation made by God; a supernatural being who has been contacting persons of this planet for as long as they've existed.
You are created for God's pleasure. Because He wanted to be in a relationship with individuals of a free will, not just angels who HAVE to do what He says.
The purpose of your existence is to be in relationship with the One who made you and to replicate that person and that relationship on this earth.

There are so many things and ways to believe. We all think we've got the right answer. There are my atheist friends who believe there is no God. There are folks who believe in different gods of different religions. Then there are Christians. I can't tell you what to believe, but I can tell you why I do; because Jesus came to this earth and made an outrageous claim. A claims so crazy that people wanted to kill Him for it. He claimed that the God of the Old Testament was actually real and more over, He claimed to be that very God. Then He healed sick people, he controlled the forces of nature, he raised dead people back to life and then raised His own self bak to life. I choose to believe Him, and to put my faith in Him.

I was not a very nice person oh so many years ago. A selfish, rotten, thieving, lying (and worse) little gal you ever knew. I've been offered a choice. To give up the things that were horrible about me, to give up the things that seperated me from this God and to choose Jesus. I was offered help, I was offered forgiveness. Patience, comfort, restoration. I'm grateful for everything He is, everything He does. a-thanka-Jeeesuss!

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